TDA8425 I2C Audio Processor

Hier wat code voorbeelden voor de TDA8425 I2C Audio Processor.
Om te beginnen een voorbeeld met 2 knops bediening (mode knop en adjust knop).

'*  Name    : TDA8425 2 knops bediening                         *
'*  Author  : Knutselaar                                        *
'*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2014                  *
'*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
'*  Date    : 05/12/2014                                        *
'*  Version : 1.0                                               *
'*  Notes   : Met TEA5767 als geluidsbron                       *
Device 18F25K22 
     FOSC = INTIO67         ;Internal oscillator block, port function on RA6 and RA7  
     FCMEN = Off            ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
     IESO = Off             ;internal external switchover mode
     ;PWRT = On             ;power-up timer For 18F25K20
     PWRTEN = On            ;power-up timer For 18F25K22
     BOREN = On             ;brown-out reset
     ;BORV = 27             ;brown-out reset value (2,7V) For 18F25K20
     BORV = 285             ;brown-out reset value (2,85V) for 18F25K22
     WDTEN = Off            ;watchdog timer
     WDTPS = 128            ;1:128 WDT prescalar
     PBADEN = Off           ;analog port B<4:0> 
     STVREN = On            ;stack overflow reset
     LVP = Off              ;low voltage programming
     XINST = Off            ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
     Debug = Off            ;no debug
    XTAL 16
    OSCCON = %01110000           ; 16Mhz intern osc
    ANSELA = %00000000           ; 18F25K22 poort A digitaal
    ANSELB = %00000000           ; 18F25K22 poort B digitaal
    ANSELC = %00000000           ; 18F25K22 Poort C digitaal  
    Declare CCP1_PIN PORTC.2    'opwekking + 12V (zie schema)
    Symbol Speaker      = PORTC.5
    Symbol LEDGreen     = LATA.5
    Symbol ButtonAdjust = PORTC.1
    Symbol ButtonMode   = PORTC.0
    Dim TDA8425     As Byte
    Dim TEA5767     As Byte
    Dim Frequentie  As Word
    Dim Pll         As DWord
    Dim x           As Byte
    Dim mode        As Byte
    Dim volume      As Byte
    Dim volumeL     As Byte
    Dim volumeR     As Byte
    Dim volumePrint As sByte    ;display weergave
    Dim bass        As Byte
    Dim bassPrint   As sByte    ;display weergave
    Dim treble      As Byte
    Dim treblePrint As sByte    ;display weergave
    Dim balance     As sbyte
    Dim absBalance  As Byte
    Dim chanel      As Bit
    Dim chanalSwitch As Byte
    Clear           ; wis geheugen
    volumeL = 248   ; loopt van 220 tot 255 in stappen van 2dB
    volumeR = 248
    volume  = 248
    bass    = 246   ; loopt van 242 (-12dB) tot 251 (+15dB) in stappen van 3dB
    treble  = 246   ; loopt van 242 (-12dB) tot 250 (+12dB) in stappen van 3dB
    balance = 0
    TDA8425 = %10000011
    TEA5767 = %11000001
        ;TEA5767 FM module gebruikt als geluidsbron
    Frequentie = 1021  ; 102.1 Mhz (538 amstelveen)
    GoSub progTEA5767
    HPWM 1,127,15000 ; voor opwekken +12V spanning (via C2)
    Cls              ; init display
    Sound Speaker , [115,20]
    Print At 1,1,   "  " 
    Print At 2, 1,  "TDA8425 Test   "
        ;TDA8425 Power On init
    HBusOut TDA8425, %00000000,[ volumeL,volumeR,bass,treble ]
    HBusOut TDA8425, %00001000,[ %11001110] ;switch fuctie: linear stereo, channel 1 (pin 18, 20), mute off
                                ;[ %11001111] ;switch fuctie: linear stereo, channel 2 (pin 1, 3), mute off
    DelayMS 2000
    volumePrint = (volume - 252)*2 ;Volume op display: stappen van 2dB, -42dB tot + 6dB
    For x = 1 To 70    ;70 x 50mS = 3.5 seconden loop
        If ButtonAdjust = 0 Then x = 1 : GoSub adjustTDA    ;Knop op poort C.1
        If ButtonMode = 0 Then x = 1 : GoSub setMode        ;Knop op poort C.0
        DelayMS 50
    Next x 
    mode = 0   ;mode terugzetten naar volume up
    GoSub printTDA8425Status   ;3.5 seconden na laatste knopdruk komt status scherm weer terug
    Toggle LEDGreen
GoTo  loop
    Select mode
        Case 1   ;volume up
            volume = volume + 1 ; stappen 2dB
                ;begrenst tot >= 255 (+6dB), tevens max
                ;+ absBalance is balans correctie voor maximum.
                ;volume + balance mag niet boven 255 komen
            If volume + absBalance -1 >= 255 Then volume = volume - 1  : Sound  Speaker, [120,10] 
            volumeL = volume + balance
            volumeR = volume - balance
            volumePrint = (volume - 252)*2
            Print At 2,1, SDEC volumePrint,"               "
        Case 2   ;volume down
            volume = volume - 1
                ;begrenst tot < 231 (-42dB), 220(-64dB) is minimum
                ;- absBalance is balans correctie voor minimum
            If volume - absBalance < 231 Then volume = 231 + absBalance : Sound  Speaker, [120,10] 
            volumeL = volume + balance
            volumeR = volume - balance
            volumePrint = (volume - 252)*2
            Print At 2,1, SDEC volumePrint, "               "
        Case 3   ;bas up
            bass = bass + 1  ;stappen van 3dB
                 ;begrenst tot >251 (+ 15dB) is maximum
            If bass > 251 Then bass = 251 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            bassPrint = bass - 246
            Print At 2,1, SDEC bassPrint, "              "
        Case 4   ;bas down
            bass = bass - 1
                 ;begrenst tot <242 (-12dB), is minimum
            If bass < 242 Then bass = 242 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            bassPrint = bass - 246
            Print At 2,1, SDEC bassPrint, "              "
        Case 5    ;treble up
            treble = treble + 1
                 ;begrenst tot >250 (+12dB), is maximum
            If treble > 250 Then treble = 250 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            treblePrint =  treble - 246
            Print At 2,1, SDEC treblePrint, "              "
        Case 6   ;treble down
            treble = treble - 1
                 ;begrenst tot <242 (-12dB), is minimum
            If treble < 242 Then treble = 242 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            treblePrint =  treble - 246
            Print At 2,1, SDEC treblePrint, "              "
        Case 7   ;balans naar links
            balance = balance + 1
                 ;begrenst tot 6 stappen (2 x 6dB = 12dB per kanaal, is 24dB kanaal verschil)
            If balance > 6 Then balance = 6 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            absBalance = Abs(balance)
                 ;volume correctie voor maximaal 255 (=6dB)
            If volume + absBalance -1 >= 255 Then volume = volume - 1
            volumeL = volume + balance
            volumeR = volume - balance
            volumePrint = (volume - 252)*2
            Print At 2,1, SDEC balance,"               "
        Case 8   ;balans naar rechts
            balance = balance - 1    ;balance is SBYTE, gaat dus negatief
                 ;begrenst tot 6 stappen (2 x 6dB = 12dB per kanaal, is 24dB kanaal verschil)
            If balance < -6 Then balance = -6 : Sound  Speaker, [120,10]
            absBalance = Abs(balance)
                ;volume correctie voor maximaal 255 (=6dB)
            If volume + absBalance -1 >= 255 Then volume = volume - 1
            volumeL = volume + balance
            volumeR = volume - balance
            volumePrint = (volume - 252)*2
            Print At 2,1, SDEC balance,"               "
        Case 9   ;ingangs kanaal selectie
            chanel = chanel + 1   ;chanel is bit, schakelt dus tussen 1 en 0 als je er 1 bij optelt.
            If chanel = 0 Then 
                Print At 2,1, "Ingang 1       "
                Print At 2,1, "Ingang 2       "
            End If
    End Select
    HBusOut TDA8425, %00000000,[ volumeL,volumeR,bass,treble ] ;geluid instellen
    chanalSwitch = %11001110 + chanel
    HBusOut TDA8425 , %00001000,[ chanalSwitch ]  ;ingangs kanaal keuze
    Sound  Speaker, [115,10] 
    DelayMS 300

    mode = mode + 1
    If mode = 10 Then mode = 1
    Select mode
        Case 1
            Print At 1,1, "Volume Up         "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC volumePrint, "              "
        Case 2
            Print At 1,1, "Volume Down       "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC volumePrint, "              "
        Case 3
            Print At 1,1, "Bas Up            "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC bassPrint, "              "
        Case 4
            Print At 1,1, "Bas Down          "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC bassPrint, "              "
        Case 5
            Print At 1,1, "Hoog Up           "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC treblePrint, "              "
        Case 6
            Print At 1,1, "Hoog Down         "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC treblePrint, "              "
        Case 7
            Print At 1,1, "Balance + rechts "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC balance, "              "
        Case 8
            Print At 1,1, "Balance + links  "
            Print At 2,1, SDEC balance, "              "
        Case 9
            Print At 1,1, "Chanel select      "
            If chanel = 0 Then 
                Print At 2,1, "Ingang 1       "
                Print At 2,1, "Ingang 2       "
            End If
    End Select
    Sound  Speaker, [115,10]
    DelayMS 500
        Print At 1, 1,  "Vol=", SDEC volumePrint, "dB Chan=", Dec chanel + 1
        Print At 2, 1, "Treble=", SDEC treblePrint, " Bass=", SDEC bassPrint, "    "
    Pll = Frequentie * 100000 - 225000    
    Pll = Pll * 4 / 32768
    HBusOut TEA5767,[Pll.BYTE1,Pll.BYTE0,$0,$10,$00] 


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